Contact us

Ilse Oosterlaken
Science communicator & former academic
Examples of our work
Below some examples of our work. Soon more examples and more information will become available.

Logo RADAR project
The RADAR project is on a very timely topic: how to enhance the democratic governance of public services and public administrations. We also developed a website for the project.

Infographic on Ada Lovelace
A personal project, so not for a client.

Logo EVOLF project
EVOLF is an ambitious research project in the area of synthethic biology. The aim is to create the first living artificial cell from scratch. So to create life from non-life.

Infographic on biohubs
Explanation of the concept of biohubs that was central to a research project about sustainable biofuels.

Datavisualisation for biofuel project
In this data visualisation, simple statistics are used to make an argument for the importance of a research project on biofuels.

Illustration of a department
Visualisation of the areas of specialization and faculty of one of the departments of Delft University of Technology.

Infographic on value change
This infographic was made for a research project that investigated how designers of new technologies can deal with changes in moral and social values. The project identified 5 types of value change.

Introduction of consortium partner
For a project that started during the corona lock-down, we created this video to introduce TU Delft as a consortium partner, largely based on existing footage.
Interested in a website?
We also build websites, fully tailored to your communication needs. For more information, please visit Sites for Scholars